Synod 2021

Every member of Hartley parish is invited to take up this invitation from Pope Francis, by attending one or more of the ‘Listening sessions’ in the Meeting Room on:

  • Friday 5th November after the 9.30am Mass to 11.30am finish
  • Sunday 7th November after the 10.15am Mass to 12.30pm finish
  • Wednesday 17th November at 1.45pm to 3pm finish

Or via Zoom on:

  • Wednesday 10th November at 7.30 pm to 9 pm finish

Please book in advance by clicking here.
Via the Parrish office; numbers will be limited to accommodate social distancing.

Contact details for further information:
A dedicated email address will be available soon, meanwhile please email the parish office with ‘synod’ in the subject heading.

Emails will then be forwarded to Phil Kerton and Anne Inman, our parish delegates to the diocesan synod.

All of us are called in virtue of our Baptism to be active participants in the life of the Church… we are all invited to listen to one another in order to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit. (Vademecum 1.2)



A longer list of questions can be found on the diocesan website. They look at three key words in the material from Rome: “Communion”, “Participation”, “Mission”.


What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow as a synodal church?

What are your dreams and hopes for the synodal process? How would you like to see the Church develop its mission in the coming years?


  1. What are the ways in which your parish most successfully brings people together?
  2. HowdoyourelatetomembersoftheChurchwhohavedriftedawayfrom practice? (Why have they drifted away from practice? Listen to them.)


  1. Reflecting on 16 months of the pandemic, how has participation in our parish been affected? Were these issues there before?
  2. Howcanwebetterenablefullparticipationandco-responsibilityinthelife of theChurch at the parish and diocesan levels?
  3. Which groups and individuals are least included in your parish?
  4. How can we broaden the way we include people whilst keeping always true
    to the Gospel and our core Christian identity?


  1. How does the life of the parish, in terms of catechesis, adult formation, liturgy, etc. help parishioners to become missionary disciples?