Stewardship and Planned Giving

Our Parish, Our Needs, Our Responsibility. 

This weekend we launch our stewardship inspired planned giving drive.

Over the next 3 weeks we shall be hearing about stewardship & the needs of our parish. We ask all parishioners to prayerfully reflect on their participation and  commitment to parish life.
Please give prayerful consideration to this appeal.

As a parish community, and individually, we have been blessed with many, varied gifts. Biblical Stewardship calls us to share our gifts of time, talent, as well as our financial blessings with our parish community and with our brothers and sisters in the wider world.
These gifts come from God, so let us strive to return a sacrificial portion to Him.

WEEKEND 1- Our Call to Stewardship

Please read the leaflet you have been given/sent for this week. There are copies available in the church or you can download a copy  HERE.


There are many ways that we can help and support our parish by sharing our time and talents.

If you would like to volunteer your time, and offer your talents, please download and complete a Volunteer Form HERE.


Returning Completed Forms: When you have filled in the form,  please place it in the envelope provided and seal the envelope. You can return it: to the church- just drop it in the Retuned Forms Box in the porch when you come to Mass OR post it through the door at the presbytery OR you can email a copy to the parish office

Someone from the Stewardship and Planned Giving Team will be speaking at each Mass on the 3 weekends of the Drive. If you have any questions, or need help to fill in a Form, Volunteers will be available in the meeting room after each Mass to assist.


WEEKEND 2- Our Parish, Our Responsibility

This weekend we are asking all parishioners to take the opportunity to prayerfully reflect on our commitment to our parish.
We can each consider giving something, be it our gift of time, our talent or from our financial blessings, being mindful of our personal circumstances.
This 2nd weekend, we hear more about Planned Giving and Stewardship, including why the parish needs our financial help to sustain and to grow, meeting the costs.
You can download more information on our parish finances and accounts, highlighting where help is needed, HERE. Our goal is to inform you so that everyone concerned can reach an informed decision.

Again, if you have any questions, there will be volunteers available after Mass to help or please email the parish office.

WEEKEND 3 – My Parish Commitment. 
This weekend there will be an opportunity to a pledge form at the end of mass which is inside the Weekend 3 leaflet.
You can also download a copy of the form HERE.
These Pledge Forms will remain private and confidential. Please provide your full contact details and select the method of offertory giving best suited to you.
If you pay UK income tax, please sign the Gift Aid declaration (in one name only) so that the parish can claim 25p back from the government for every £1 that you donate, at no extra cost to yourself.
You can download a Gift Aid Declaration form HERE.

When you have completed this form please return it to the parish by either posting it in the Post Returned Forms box at the end of next week’s Mass, or post to: White Friars, Church Rd, Hartley, Longfield, Kent DA38DW.
The form can also be emailed to Finally, we thank you for all that you already do for our parish. Without your continued support, this wonderful, living church could not continue to be the spiritual centre it is for all of us today.

As always, if you have any questions, there will be volunteers available after Mass.