Our Parish Council Team
The Parish Pastoral Council acts as an advisory body to the parish priest.
The Parish Council will take an overview of matters relating to the whole Parish, support the Parish Priest in his pastoral role and future plans of the parish to enhance the quality of parish community life in the light of the Gospel message.
The Parish Council shall…
- Advise the Parish priest, making decisions that reflect the values of the Gospel, the needs of the parish and the teachings of the Church.
- Fostering the sacramental, liturgical and prayer life of the parish.
- Supporting marriage and family life.
- Work with Parish Priest to recognise gifts and talents, offering opportunities for Parishioners to fulfil their calling and support ministries
- Strengthening commitment to social justice and peace
- Caring for the poor and marginalised.
- Reaching out to young people and engaging them in their journey of faith.
- Look for ways of welcoming new members find their place in the liturgy and parish life.
- Addressing social challenges of the parish and ensuring that the parish community is sensitive to the needs of all.
- Prayerfully discovering the needs of the parish and involving everyone in a response.
- Study the life and activity of the parish, research its needs, and establish short and long term goals to enable the parish to be faithful to its mission
- Ensure that all voices within the parish and the wider community are heard and respected.
- Review the life and activities of the parish so that these are seen to foster the Mission of the Church.
- Constant ask the question – where is God calling us a community? Directing programmes and activities to answer this question.
- Provide opportunities for evangelization
- Recommendations for expenditure on projects and other all other major expenditures by the Finance Committee will be passed by the Parish Council
- Ensure efficient line of communication between Parish Council, Finance Committee and between Parishioners
- To seek effective ways of making contact with lapsed Catholics and the “unchurched” living within the parish community
- Support where requested Safeguarding Officer. Health & Safety Officer, website & newsletter editors
- To provide a forum for hearing the views and proposals of members of the parish community in all that concerns the life and mission of the parish